Augmented reality for your business

Nowadays, business needs some innovations, and one of the most relevant is augmented reality (AR). It may help in many fields. We can use AR for staff training or provide your clients with a more immersive product illustration digitally showing the showcase. The above examples are just a minimum of how we can use augmented reality. Many current problems can be solved using AR.

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We customise a solution ad-hoc for our clients and study with them to achieve a better solution to their problems. We have extensive AR knowledge, allowing us to use AR in all fields.

Taking advantage of augmented reality today allows us to be more efficient, avoiding losing our time, e.g. making all the time the same operation. How much time does an activity spend to train the staff? With this technology, we can save time, and it isn’t a bad idea because of the current situation. Lastly, AR permits us to be more ecological and protect the environment. For example, by using AR, we can avoid a specialised man who has to travel.

The project based on augmented reality will be studied, analysed and customised to the client’s needs, and both the devices and the software customisation will be needed. 

At this point, making a short studio of the current devices on the market is necessary since our objective is to integrate the devices in commerce to achieve the client’s solution.

We have a smartphone, everyone brings a mobile phone with them, and most of the current devices in commerce are augmented reality compatible. It is an instrument with little economic effort because everyone has one. The AR can be easily integrated into a mobile phone using the frontal or back camera. Then the user can watch the environment with additional elements.

In the following, we have the visor. In this case, like for the mobile device, we add elements to the external environment, but now, we have a more immersive solution. The user will be more involved with the modified environment.

Less immersive than the previous device, we have the glasses, AR glasses, it is true that they also are immersive, but in this case, the user can see out of the glasses field, whereas in the previous device, it could not. This device’s user cannot lose touch with reality besides the last one.

Now, we want to show a use example. Most activities could apply this example since most activities have a showcase, and as we know, the showcase is an essential element to take the client’s attention. Imagine that a client can scan the QR code on your showcase and, in that case, see your products and, at some point, have a discount; for sure, the client will feel special, and it will increase the possibility of attracting him.

It is a pleasure to see you here at this article’s end, and I’m delighted if you need don’t hesitate to contact me for any motivation at the following mail.


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